Welcome to Anesthesia Made Easy

Thanks for taking your time to check out AnesthesiaMadeEasy.com

You are in the right place if you are new to anesthesiology.

Why the Book, Anesthesia Made Easy?

anesthesia made easy final coverAs a CiM Mentor, I was regularly asked “What anesthesia book should I start with?”.

I was truly at a loss.

The “basic” books that I had as a resident were over 800 pages and went into a level of detail that was too much for someone just starting out in anesthesiology.

I wrote Anesthesia Made Easy because I couldn’t find an introductory book that was suitable for new trainees.  Anesthesia Made Easy is one part introductory text book and one part survival guide … not only does it introduce basic anesthesiology concepts, it also gives you chapters to help you actually apply the knowledge.   Check out the Table of Contents here.

Why the Website?

There were three main reasons why I built this website.

1)  You need an accurate website about anesthesiology training and careers.  

You will find some other anesthesiology training websites that are not written by people actually work in anesthesiology!  That would be “OK” if the information is accurate … many times it is not.  We live anesthesiology every day.  We have gone through the application, training, and are now in the middle of our careers.

2) You need a website that complements the book Anesthesia Made Easy.

How do you even know you want to have a career in Anesthesiology?

Anesthesiology is not for everyone.  It has been characterized as being 95% complete boredom and 5% complete terror.  (That is not exactly true … it can be very rewarding, but it can also be exceedingly stressful.)   A website that could help you make good choices about anesthesiology training and your career is invaluable.  We offer resources and links to help build on your anesthesia knowledge and to help you get the most out of your start to your anesthesiology training.

3) You need a website with insider information that contains uncommon knowledge about a career in anesthesiology.

We have articles like “The Top 7 Anesthesia Books for Trainees” that belong on the web, not in a book, so that you can explore them further.  There are plenty of websites with the science of anesthesia.  I want this website to help you with the art of anesthesia.

What are you waiting for?  Check outcome of our more popular articles.

Still don’t own a copy of anesthesia made easy?

anesthesia made easy final coverAs you start out in your career in anesthesiology, consider Anesthesia Made Easy.  The reason I wrote Anesthesia Made Easy was because the basic anesthesia books are just too big and have too much information for the new anesthesia trainee.   Anesthesia Made Easy is part textbook and one part survival guide …  it is the high yield book that will get you started building your career.

Buy your copy of today.  Anesthesia Made Easy is available as either a paperback edition or a Kindle edition from amazon.com.